Thursday, April 2, 2009

Yellow Acar from Maluku

Acar kuning ala Maluku


Given as a canary candle so that it seems more palatable.
2 tbsp oil, for menumis
2 pieces of bay
1 tbsp sugar
150 g bamboo sprout, roughly sliced, boiled briefly
2 fruit mentimun, cut 1 x 3 cm, sisihkan bijinya
100 g kecipir young, cut 2 cm
1 / 2 fruit pineapple, peeled, cut 2 cm
10 pieces of red onion kecl
3 pieces red chili, cut 1 cm
1 / 2 tsp vinegar
Mashed the ingredients:
6 pieces red onion
4 cloves garlic
3 cm turmeric
salt secukupnya
1 / 2 tsp roasted paste
1 cm ginger
1 cm ginger
20 grains canary, peeled
How to Make:
1. Heat oil, spices tumis fine until fragrant. Add bay and sugar. Give a little water. Leave to boil.
2. Enter a bamboo sprout, mentium, kecipir, and pineapple. Cook until vegetables withered.
3. Add onion and red chili. Lift, bubuhkan vinegar.
4. Hidangkan.
For 6 people.

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