Thursday, April 2, 2009

Pindang Fish

Pindang Ikan

Original Cooking from Maluku Islands, Indonesia.
It's fresh, delicious disantap with papeda.

600 ml water
3 tbsp oil, for menumis
2 pieces of bay
2 stem Serai, memarkan
1 tail (900 g) fish tenggiri / cob, clean, cut into pieces
2 tomatoes, part 6
2 pieces red chilli, slit lengthwise
1 lemon fruit, PERAS
Mashed the ingredients:
7 pieces of red onion
3 cloves garlic
4 pieces red chili
3 cm turmeric
salt secukupnya
1 / 2 tsp roasted paste
1 cm ginger
1 cm ginger
25 walnut, peeled
How to Make:
1. Boil the water, while the oil heat, flavor tumis fine with salam leaves until fragrant and Serai.
2. Move tumisan ingredients in saucepan. Enter the fish, tomatoes, and cayenne. After the fish has changed color, lower the fire. Cook closed for 30 minutes until cooked.
3. Bubuhkan lime juice, poke and lift.
4. Serve with papeda.
For 6 people.

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