Tuesday, March 3, 2009

The meaning of philosophical tradition Saro-Saro and Joko Kaha dish and Food Ceremony Ternate

Saro Saro-is a form of prayer or a request that is the meaning of the ritual and philosophical traditions of a society in Ternate. Joko Kaha or "ground running" is one type of ssalah tradition of
Ternate people perform rituals to tread the ground first. While Eating Ceremony is an event with food according to the tradition and ceremony that is customary since hundreds of years ago.
Or request a prayer written in the form of food and bridegroom are on the second delivered by this mother-mother's brother and mother's brother's second bridegroom's father is in a language called
Ternate: Yaya se Goa (custom seatorang). Because Yaya se Goa mother's brother and the father of the bridegroom both; first consecutive responsible before and after the implementation of this marriage and the second is the early introduction and per.ialinan the bridegroom's family.
Food form (Saro-Saro), the ceremony of marriage.
The material in the form of food in a ceremony complete Saro Saro-a marriage consists of:
1. The pulp Sirikaya:
Made darii chicken eggs, sugar, coconut milk and pandan leaf extract. The filosofinya; Sirikaya the soft sweet taste and delicious taste manisnya like-minded nature of both the expected bridegroom.
2. Kobo (Ketupat Kerbau):
Amounted to three or four units. The filosofinya; Animals buffalo strong, diligent and faithful are expected to be the nature of the husband who assume responsibility for the boat house.
3. Nanasi (Ketupat pineapple):
Amounted to three or four units. Pineapple fruit which lekuknya inlaid neat and luxurious berartistik located on top of the crown, have a thick skin, have thorns, and its a very good nature is expected to be the faithful wife yan maintain the household, proof of temptations and faithful to the husband.
4. Jaha (Pali-Pali), which consists of ten pieces terpampang and neatly arranged on a plate that represents the strength of marine
Ternate in the past that is always ready to combat mode to maintain the sovereignty of his country.
5. Mung Bean porridge (Gule-gule Tamelo) presented the results of agricultural wealth of the community Ternate overflow.
6. Terong fish and placed in a dish and the head and stalk eggplant If the head table (penganten direction). Fish and eggplant is the life of men and women in indigenous
Ternate. Terong fish and is usually presented in the 4 types of spices that is usually called; Doda Bonci, Doda Rica, Malaysia and Doda-Style Doda.
7. Boboto (often also called the Boto-boto) contain as many as 4 units of meaning that at the beginning of the first people on the island of Ternate Momole under the power of four, so in a custom package of food is presented to four people, should not be allowed not more or less.
8. AGI, (Sop curry), which symbolizes the abundant riches of the sea.


After Saro-Saro was conducted, followed by the next event is Joko Kaha or Tanal board also contains a distinctive philosophy, namely:
1. Rumput handful Fartago placed on a plate that represents the earth and the vegetation in this Moloku Kie Raha dijamah and crawled second bridegroom.
2. Water bottle disiramkan the bridegroom on the feet symbolizes water, rivers and sea in Moloku Kie Raha also be explored by the bridegroom.
3. Pupulak the color of the rice: white, yellow, red and green symbolize the various tribes in the Moloku Kie Raha, hopefully to become friends and acquaintances of both bride.
After the second event is finished for the second bridegroom. Mothers or Yaya se
Goa are traditional food that consists of the types of food mentioned above.


Form and type of material Saro Saro-shaving event for Baby's hair, circumcision and Khatam

Saro Saro-hair shaving ceremony for babies, children circumcision only are materials such as Saro-Saro below:
1. Sirikaya porridge.
2. Ketupat Kobo.
3. Ketupat Nanasi.
4. And along with materials for Joko Kaha, such as:
a. Fartago grass.
b. Bottle of Pure Water.
c. Pupulak rice.
5. The equipment to shave baby's hair:
a. Razor or hair clippers.
Bath and Sisir.
c. Young coconut water is still in a young coconut that has been decorated colors. d. Perfume.


While oeuvre hair shaver for the baby or child circumcision, after the invitations are comprised of family, neighbors, priests, and indigenous leaders have finished reading tahlil and prayers are then sukuran food atatau pastry tradition.
Goal held Saro-Saro on the baby and the child on vaktu shaver hair and circumcision, if the baby or the adult child is in the process after perkawinannya (because kawin flee or other), so do not be Saro-Saro is not a problem anymore (because the burden of tradition) because they have been through the process of Saro-Saro while still a baby or child.
Food in the Saro-Saro Qur'an Khatam for the event, consisting of:
1. One tree Umbi Ginger (from root to leaf stem) is placed in a cup containing sugar.
2. Sugar cane is carved and decorated the form of a bird, vessels flying terakit neat in some form of assembly.
3. Orange fruit is neatly organized in some form of assembly.
4. Buah Delima neatly arranged in some form of assembly
5. Tercanang Sirih Pinang and the assembly of a fruit in some assembly, and
6. Batangan Cigarettes are also organized in some form of assembly.


After the child performed a new Khatam Qur'an reading ayat suci Al-Qur'an in front of the invitation to attend and after prayer ago along with the child concerned disaro with ginger overlooking the sand for bergula chewed concerned. Does; taste ginger spiciness is a sense of when the child be incused in learning to read Al-Qur'an, but after the last child is feeling, such as sugar cane. Citrus fruit and pomegranate fruit is also a description of the feelings of the child. While pinang, betel and smoking preferences are parents.


Once the child is disaro with ginger and sugar, then the prayer dibacalah survived. And sugar cane, citrus, pomegranate, areca nut, betel and cigarette share by implementing the Quran is the final yan invitation to attend, including spectators who participated in the event witnessed the way. Then after it was implementing the invitation, and guests are traditional food in accordance with the final implementation.
Thus a description of the Saro-Saro among indigenous
Ternate, especially (in the clan Soa-sio, Sangaji, Heku and CIM)
Note: Four Kobo fruit and pineapple four Ketupat sio for Soa and Sangaji. Kobo and three and three for the fruit pineapple Heku and CIM.
Ternate, 15 September 1995.
Alaudin Haji Haji Abdullatif


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